Random Numbers
- Math.random gives a number below .01
- *range : set the range of the random number
- Math.floor : returns whole number
- +1 : to include the range number
While: (a condition is true) {run the code block}
Do While: run once before checking the condition and then loop
For: (i=0 (usually); run loop while condition true; i++) {code block}
Array.length : number total items in array
Array.length - 1: To get the end of the index
Array.includes ('') : returns boolean of whether the argument is in the array
Arrow Function
Element => element*2;
Function expressions don't have to be named and can create anonymous functions. Can run as soon as it is defined, don't need to declare it. They are not hoisted
Function expression
Let varName = function (parameters) { code block Return value};
Arrow expression
let varName = element =>element*2;
Other fun things
Binary tree